A Szentírás Isten teljes kijelentése by Rudolf Ebertshäuser - Hungarian translation of Die Heilige Schrift - Gottes vollkommene Offenbarung / What is the significance of the Bible for us, what false attitudes we may encounter
ISBN: 9789637369163, 978-9637369163
About the Author:
Ebertshäuser studied English and German and was after the master's degree as a publishing editor in various, even Christian-oriented book publishers. At the age of 30, he came to believe in Jesus Christ and was initially an active member of a charismatic church. In 1992 he broke away from the charismatic movement due to theological differences. He then joined a fraternity. From 1995 to 2003 he was an employee in the revision of the Butcher Bible. He is considered one of the strongest proponents of the Textus receptus. Since 2003, he has increasingly devoted himself to the teaching and procuration service as well as the writing of writings and books. In addition, he is known for his lectures on the charismatic movement, about end-time developments in Christianity, as well as on biblical topics.
In November 2002, he launched the ESRA Letter Service, which aims to disseminate biblical and educational scriptures.
Hungarian Summary:
Bizonyos értelemben egész életünk Isten igéjének helyes megértésétől és a hozzá való helyes szívbeli beállítottságunktól függ. Ezen múlik, hogy közösségbe jutunk-e az Úrral, vagy veszélyes tévutakra térünk.
Ebben a füzetben nem valamiféle bölcsen kieszelt emberi gondolatokat vagy "teológiákat" kívánunk nyomon követni a Bibliával kapcsolatban, hanem megpróbáljuk szemügyre venni és megérteni, mit mond Isten Igéje önmagáról.
English Summary:
In a sense, our whole life depends on the correct understanding of God's word and our good heart attitude. It is up to us to come into communion with the Lord or to go into dangerous misconceptions.
In this booklet, we do not want to follow some sort of wise-cut human thoughts or "theology" about the Bible, but we try to look and understand what God's Word says about Himself.