A Szent egyszerűség by Fritz Binde - Hungarian translation of Die heilige Einfalt / Only those who are rooted in Him are bearers of lasting fruit that can heal our sick and turn our lives.
ISBN: 9637837337, 963-7837337
About the Author:
Binde grew up in Heldburg and Neustadt, Thuringia, the son of a watchmaker. He completed an apprenticeship with a decorative painter and his father, who had moved to Sonneberg. In September 1885 Binde went on a journey with a tinsmith and found employment first in Wetzlar, then in Wuppertal and since September 1887 in Wald (now district of Solingen) at Uhrmacher Kortenhaus, whose daughter Anna he later married. Here he joined a freethinking reading club. After problems were overcome because of his free-thinking ideas, it came to Christmas in 1889 for engagement.
Since October 1890 he was able to run a business set up by his parents-in-law in Vohwinkel (now part of Wuppertal). As a result of a serious illness of his father-in-law, the marriage took place with Anna Korthaus in December 1890 in the hospital room of her father.
Binde dealt with socialist literature and wrote contributions for various purposes; He also proved himself as a speaker at SPD party meetings. Since 1894, he increasingly estranged himself from the party; he felt "disgust at the ruling and vindictive Party driving and ... doubts about the social-democratic science". It followed the reading of Friedrich Nietzsche and Immanuel Kant, until he finally left the SPD.
In his next phase of life he realised himself as an anarchist; it was shaped by the desire to "create free people in a free community" (BBKL). The prerequisite for this is the willingness of people to educate themselves and liberate themselves. In 1900 Binde moved to Bonn. There he was able to establish himself as a theater critic and art reviewer. He got sick nervously and could no longer work.
A vision of Christ as well as encounters with different Christians finally meant another turning point in Fritz Bindes life. Since March 1902, he stayed for a rest in the Rämismühle in the canton of Zurich. There he learned to preach and did his first service in local community hours. After several evangelistic journeys he became in January 1903 preacher of the community movement for the waldecksche bath Wildungen and the closer environment. In the summer of 1905 he was a member of the German Tent Mission and moved first to Siegen, 1909 then back to the Rämismühle. From 1911 he was on the road as a free evangelist and worked in the recovery home Rämismühle. In May 1914, the move to Riehen near Basel finally followed. He now saw his task in evangelizing in the big cities.
Due to a heart failure his tissue was of feeble constitution. Over time, diabetes and boils joined. In 1921 his weakened body failed and he died after a short illness on the morning of September 10, 1921 at his home in Riehen. On September 13, he was buried in the cemetery of Riehen.
Hungarian Summary:
Fritz Binde (1867-1921) a már mennybe hazatért evangélista, a filozófiailag iskolázott egykori politikus és szépíró, mélyen megértette az egyszerűség lényegét és értékét. Olyan tömör keresztyén tanítást ajándékozott nekünk, amely útmutatásul szolgál Istennel Krisztusban való közösség egész teljességéhez, és ezáltal drága, időtálló örökséget hagyott reánk. A keresztyén embereket hívja a látható világ sokféleségéből – amely sohasem képes sem megerősíteni, sem megőrizni a hitet – a bennünk lakozó Jézus Krisztus iránti biblikus „egyszerűségre”. Csak aki Őbenne meggyökerezik, az terem maradandó gyümölcsöt, amely által meggyógyulhat a mi beteg és kifordult életünk.
Fritz Binde 49, formailag tökéletes elmélkedésben fejti ki á szent egyszerűség nagyszerű voltát és szépségét, s mélyrehatóan világítja azt meg minden oldalról. Világos, bibliai gondolatok gazdagsága tárul elénk. Mint keresztyének is cselekvő emberként élünk a világ kavargásában. Nem tudunk sem elzárkózni, sem kimenekülni a világból, vele együtt bele vagyunk szőve a bűnbe és a vétekbe, és mégis csak vendégek vagyunk, nem itteni polgárok. Ezért nincs annál szükségesebb dolog, mint a gondolkodásmódot megzavaró sokféleségből visszatalálni az igazi evangéliumi egyszerűségbe. Különben az a veszély fenyeget, hogy egyszer majd értéktelen polyvaként kisöpörnek bennünket.
Ehhez meg nem alkuvó hitbeli bátorság kell. Az egyenesség egyszerűség megóv az öncsalástól és az emberi rászedéstől. „Az egyenes szív a tiszta szív, és ez az osztatlan szív.” Binde elmélkedései biblikusán megalapozottak, és a következő imára indíthatnak bennünket:
Hadd lehessünk egyszerűek (egyenesek), és mint gyermekek e földön szentek és örvendezők előtted!
English Summary:
Fritz Binde (1867-1921), an evangelist who has already returned to heaven, was a philosophically educated former politician and writer who deeply understood the essence and value of simplicity. He has given us a solid Christian teaching that serves as a guide to the fullness of God's communion with Christ, thus leaving us with a rich, timeless heritage. Christians are called from the diversity of the visible world - which can never confirm or preserve faith - into the biblical "simplicity" of Jesus Christ in us. Only those who are rooted in Him are the bearers of lasting fruit that can heal our sick and turn our lives.
Fritz Binde reflects on the greatness and beauty of sacred simplicity, and deeply illuminates it from all sides. The richness of clear, biblical thoughts are revealed to us. As Christians, we live as an actor in a swirling world. We cannot get out of the world, and with it we are wrought into sin and transgression, and yet we are only guests, not local citizens. Therefore, there is not more important need than to return to the true gospel simplicity. Otherwise, there is a danger that we will be swept out us as a worthless pillow.
To do this, you must have the courage of belief that does not retreat. Straightness and simplicity prevents self-deception and human confusion. "The straight heart is the pure heart, and this is the undivided heart." Binde's reflections are biblically grounded and can lead us to the following prayer:
Let us be simple (straight), and as children on this earth that are holy and rejoicing before you!