A Rómaiakhoz írt levél by Vine, W. E. - Hungarian translation of The Epistle to the Romans: Doctrine, Precept, Practice / The book discusses and explains each verse of the letter to the Romans in a biblical and distinct way. Commentary.
ISBN: 9639209473, 963-9209473
About the Author:
Vine was born in the second quarter of 1873, in Blandford Forum, Dorset. His father ran the Mount Radford School, which moved to Exeter in 1875, and it was in this location that Vine was raised. He became a Christian at an early age and was baptised in the Plymouth Brethren assembly in Fore Street, Exeter. At 17, Vine became a teacher at his father's school, before moving to Aberystwyth to study at the University College of Wales. He later completed his education at the University of London, receiving a BA and MA in Ancient Classics in 1906. Vine married Phoebe Baxendale in the 3rd quarter of 1899 in Lancashire, Phoebe's home county. In 1909, he accepted a job at the office of Echoes of Service, a missionary-support service and magazine based in Bath. In 1911, the service moved permanently to Widcombe Crescent, Bath. The 1911 census shows Vine as the Vice Principal of Mount Radford School in St Leonards, Exeter. Vine dedicated himself to his work with missionaries around the world and was firm in his doctrine and practice:
"In the mind of God the grand ultimate object of missionary activity is the planting of churches.. The Head of the church who gave His instructions to His Apostles.. .on record for us in the Scriptures, gave therein a body of truth and principles adapted to every age, generation and condition. The pattern is complete, and exhibits the divine wisdom in every part. Human tampering has only marred it in its working... It is incumbent upon all who profess the Christian faith to respect the plainly revealed intentions of the Head of the church, instead of burdening it with doctrines and regulations of human fabrication."
At this time, Vine was an Elder in the assembly at Manvers Hall, Bath, a position that he held for 40 years. He was diagnosed with heart disease in 1927, but lived until 1949.
Hungarian Summary:
A Római levél témája Isten evangéliuma.
A könyv a levél minden versét bibliahűen és külön-külön tárgyalja, illetve magyarázza, s így minden bibliaolvasó – aki keresi és kutatja az Istentől ihletett írást – , kincsesbányát talál benne.
English Summary:
The book discusses and explains each verse of the letter to the Romans in a biblical and distinct way. Commentary.