A Pécsi Székesegyház freskói és kincsei by Vadász István, Németh Pál, Czenki Zsuzsanna / Panoráma kiadó 2010 / Hardcover book with musical audio CD / Zenei CD melléklettel / Murals and treasures of the Pécs Catholic Cathedral
Hardcover 2010
ISBN: 9789630803106 / 978-9630803106
ISBN-10: 9630803100
PAGES: 132
PUBLISHER: Panoráma kiadó
LANGUAGE: Hungarian / Magyar
Hungarian Description:
Vadász István fotográfus 1962 és 1973 között készített diafelvételei örökítik meg és teszik közzé a Székesegyház csodálatos freskóit, berendezését és kincstárának tárgyait. A kötet több mint száz fotót tartalmaz, Czenki Zsuzsanna írásait, valamint egy CD-mellékletet melyen Németh Pál vezényletével hallható 14 komolyzenei mű.
Vadász István
Németh Pál
Czenki Zsuzsanna
Pobozsnyi Ágnes
A mellékelt CD programja / CD tracklist:
Novotny Ferenc: Te Deum
1. Te Deum
2. Et rege eos ,
Lickl György: Reguiem
3. Reguiem aeternam
4. Domine! guando veneris
5. Libera me
6. Sanctus
7. Benedictus
8. Agnus Dei
9. Lux aeterna
Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf: Concerto Pastorelo (D-dúr hegedűverseny)
10. Allegro non molto
11. Andante molto
12. Finale. Presto
Depisch Bálint: Két ária
13. se la vaga - ária a Boldogságos Szűz Mária tiszteletére
14. Dove sono - ária
The Sts. Peter and Paul's Cathedral Basilica (Hungarian: Szent Péter és Szent Pál székesegyház), also called Pécs Cathedral, is a religious building of the Catholic church that serves as the cathedral of the Diocese of Pécs, and is located in the city of Pécs, Hungary.
The foundations of the cathedral of Pécs are from the Roman period, around the fourth century. It is believed that at the site of the cathedral today an early Christian basilica, which spread westwards between the eighth and ninth centuries. Under the reign of Stephen I, the decision to modify the construction and, presumably, the two western towers date from this period was taken. After a great fire of 1064 was carried out construction of the Romanesque basilica, with the participation of Italian architects. In the Middle Ages, the church was enlarged with two lateral towers and Gothic chapels. After the damage and degradation caused by the Turkish occupation (1543-1686) there were attempts to restore the building. The neo-Romanesque appearance today is the result of the reconstruction carried out between 1882 and 1891, faithfully fulfilled the original plans of the cathedral architect Friedrich von Schmidt Viennese. The length of the church is 70 meters, with a width of 22 meters and height in the towers of up to 60 meters.