
A pásztori levelek és a Filemonhoz írt levél magyarázata by John Calvin - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION OF Calvin's Bible Commentaries: Timothy, Titus, and Philemon

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A pásztori levelek és a Filemonhoz írt levél magyarázata

by John Calvin (Hungarian Translation of Calvin's Bible Commentaries: Timothy, Titus, and Philemon)

ISBN: 9789635582068 / 978-9635582068
ISBN-10: 9635582064
Pages: 268
Publisher: KÁLVIN (2012)
Format: Hardcover

About the Author

John Calvin (10 July 1509 – 27 May 1564) was a prominent French theologian, pastor, and reformer during the Protestant Reformation. He is best known for his significant role in developing Calvinism, a theological system that emphasizes the doctrines of predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God in the salvation of humanity. Calvin's works, particularly his Institutes of the Christian Religion, have shaped Reformed theology and influenced various Protestant denominations worldwide.

Originally trained as a humanist lawyer, Calvin broke away from the Roman Catholic Church around 1530. He fled to Basel, Switzerland, due to religious persecution, where he published the first edition of the Institutes. Calvin was later invited to Geneva, where he implemented significant reforms in church governance and liturgy, despite facing considerable opposition. His theological writings, especially his biblical commentaries, are revered for their depth, clarity, and practical insight into Scripture.

Hungarian Summary

A Református Egyházi Könyvtár most a két Timóteushoz írt levél, valamint a Tituszhoz és Filemonhoz írt levelek kommentárját közli Szabó András (1871–1957) néhai klasszika filológus tolmácsolásában, átdolgozott formában. A négy levél kommentárjai ma is figyelemre méltók, mivel Kálvin meglátásai és módszere segíthetnek a bibliai szöveg és üzenet mélyebb megértésében. Kálvin különösen ügyesen emelkedik el Pál apostol személyes utalásaitól, miközben betekintést nyújt azok mélységeibe.

Kálvin kommentárjaiban hangsúlyozza, hogy még a mindennapi ügyekben is, mint a Filemonhoz írt levél esetében, Istenhez emelkedhetünk. A személyes ügyek mellett a reformátor mindig az egész egyház érdekét tartotta szem előtt. A könyv értékes forrást nyújt a reformáció korának megértéséhez is, hiszen Kálvin tisztán és világosan tudta kifejezni gondolatait.

English Summary

John Calvin's Commentaries are regarded as classics, essential for anyone studying biblical texts. His insights often lead to fresh interpretations of scripture. Philip Schaff praised Calvin, stating that he was "an exegetical genius of the first order," noting that his commentaries are unmatched for their originality, depth, clarity, soundness, and enduring value. Calvin masterfully combined essential qualities of an exegete: grammatical knowledge, spiritual insight, sharp perception, sound judgment, and practical tact. His ability to separate personal matters from theological truths while thoroughly exploring the implications of the biblical text makes his work invaluable for both scholars and lay readers.

Key Themes

  • Understanding Pauline Theology: The commentaries provide a deep analysis of the pastoral letters and Philemon, highlighting their significance in understanding Paul's teachings and their relevance to contemporary faith.
  • Reformed Tradition: Calvin’s writings reflect the principles of the Reformed tradition, emphasizing the sovereignty of God and the importance of scripture in guiding Christian life.
  • Practical Application: Calvin’s insights encourage readers to apply biblical teachings to everyday situations, demonstrating how even mundane matters can reflect God's overarching plan.
  • Historical Context: The commentary also offers a glimpse into the challenges faced during the Reformation, enriching the reader's understanding of the historical and theological backdrop of the letters.

Product Features

  • Comprehensive Commentary: Detailed explanations of the letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, exploring theological themes and historical context.
  • Scholarly Insight: Calvin's unique perspective provides depth to the understanding of scripture, making complex theological concepts accessible.
  • Relevance for Modern Readers: The commentaries are written with both scholarly rigor and practical relevance, appealing to theologians and everyday readers alike.


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