A nemzetek ideje by Benedikt Peters - Hungarian translation of Time of the gentiles / What does this term mean? Actually, it's history! Based on the book of Daniel the prophet.
ISBN: 9639209546, 963-9209546
About the Author:
Benedikt studied Greek, Hebrew and general linguistics at the University of Zurich. He was editor of a Christian publishing house for several years. Benedikt serves in a church in Arbon and teaches in churches all over Europe. He is the author of numerous theological books. At the Zurich location Benedikt teaches Bible Survey, Systematic Theology and Homiletics. He is speaker at the annual shepherds’ conference and develops teaching materials. Benedict is married and has four grown children.
Hungarian Summary:
Mit jelent ez a kifejezés? Tulajdonképpen ez a történelem! A megállapítás - nekünk szólóan - az Úr Jézustól származik, aki földi életének utolsó idejében említette: "...és pogányok tapossák Jeruzsálemet, amíg be nem telik a pogányok (nemzetek) ideje" (Lk 21,24).
Izrael félretétele | 3 |
A babiloni materializmus | 7 |
Hogyan lehet hitben maradni? | 11 |
Van Isten a mennyben! | 16 |
Az aranyszobor | 26 |
Írás a falon | 30 |
Az oroszlánverem | 32 |
Az eljövendő Emberfia | 35 |
A babiloni hetven esztendő | 41 |
English Summary:
What does this term mean? Actually, it's history! The statement - solemnly to us - comes from the Lord Jesus, who mentioned at the last time of his earthly life, "... and the Gentiles shall trample Jerusalem until the time of the gentiles (nations) be fulfilled" (Luke 21:24).
We dealt with the question on the basis of Daniel's book, because this time began when Nabukodonozar (Nabukadneccar) invaded Jerusalem in 605 BC (2Kr 25.1) - and it lasts until today! We are now living in a time similar to that of Daniel in his environment, condition and phenomena.