A nagy evangéliumi katasztrófa (The Great Evangelical Disaster)
UPC: 9786155624599 / 6155624593
"A nagy evangéliumi katasztrófa" is the Hungarian edition of "The Great Evangelical Disaster" by Francis A. Schaeffer, published in 2020 by Evangéliumi Kiadó. This paperback edition contains 175 pages and presents a provocative exploration of the compromises that Christians and the evangelical church may have made in the face of secular culture.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Year of Publication: 2020
- Pages: 175
- Language: Hungarian / Magyar
- ISBN: 9786155624599 / 6155624593
Interesting Facts
In this compelling work, written shortly before Schaeffer's death in 1984, he forecasts the consequences of allowing secular culture to divert evangelical Christianity from its core truths. Using his historical, philosophical, and theological expertise, Schaeffer argues that Christians risk losing their moral and ethical foundations if they fail to take a clear stand on pivotal issues.
Key themes include:
- The dangers of compromise and conformity within Christianity and society.
- The urgent need for believers to stand firm on principles of truth and morality.
- A call to recognize and respond to the current cultural challenges facing the church.
Despite being written in the 1980s context of America, the issues raised and the insights provided by Schaeffer remain relevant today, even in modern Hungary. The book serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining integrity in faith and practice.
About the Author
Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984) was an influential American Evangelical Christian theologian, philosopher, and Presbyterian pastor. He is well-known for his writings and for founding the L'Abri community in Switzerland, which served as a center for study and discipleship. Schaeffer opposed theological modernism and advocated for a historical Protestant faith, promoting a presuppositional approach to Christian apologetics that he believed could address the pressing questions of his time. His legacy continues to resonate worldwide through his extensive body of work.
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Hungarian Translation
"A nagy evangéliumi katasztrófa" Francis A. Schaeffer "The Great Evangelical Disaster" című művének magyar kiadása, amelyet 2020-ban az Evangéliumi Kiadó jelentetett meg. Ez a 175 oldalas papíralapú kiadás provokatív felfedezést nyújt arról, hogy a keresztények és az evangéliumi egyház milyen kompromisszumokat köthettek a világi kultúrával szemben.
Érdekes Tények
Ebben a figyelemfelkeltő munkában, amely Schaeffer halála előtt készült 1984-ben, előre jelzi a világi kultúra által az evangéliumi keresztyénséget érő eltérítések következményeit. Történelmi, filozófiai és teológiai ismereteit felhasználva arra figyelmeztet, hogy a keresztények kockáztatják erkölcsi és etikai alapjaik elvesztését, ha nem állnak ki nyíltan a kulcsfontosságú kérdések mellett.
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