
Бу хат сенин учиндир - A Letter for You (Turkmen) / Gute Botschaft Verlag 2002 / GBV 88 401 / Turkmen evangelism booklet

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Бу хат сенин учиндир / A Letter for You - Turkmen Evangelism Booklet


Бу хат сенин учиндир (A Letter for You) is a heartfelt Turkmen-language booklet designed as a personal airmail letter. Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, this small yet powerful booklet shares an intimate and timeless message of God’s love and salvation. Written in simple and accessible language, it invites readers to explore God’s personal letter to humanity, the Bible. This booklet is ideal for evangelism and distribution, helping individuals discover Jesus Christ and establish a personal relationship with Him.

Product Features

  • Format: Paperback
  • Publication Year: 2002
  • UPC: GBV88401
  • Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
  • Language: Turkmen

Interesting Facts

  • The booklet is crafted as a personal letter, making it relatable and engaging for readers.
  • Available in over 50 languages, A Letter for You has been distributed globally and has changed the lives of many by introducing them to the message of salvation.
  • The booklet emphasizes God’s deep love for humanity and His desire for a personal relationship with each person.
  • Gute Botschaft Verlag, the publisher, is renowned for its dedication to spreading God’s word through literature in multiple languages.
  • The airmail letter format reflects the personal and direct nature of God’s message to humanity.


Gute Botschaft Verlag

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Translation (Turkmen)

Overview (Turkmen)

Бу хат сенин учиндир (A Letter for You) – bu kiçi we ruhy manyly kitapça Turkmen dilinde ýazylan we şahsy howa poçtasy haty görnüşinde niýetlenendir. Gute Botschaft Verlag tarapyndan çap edilen bu kitapça, Hudaýyň söýgüsiniň hem-de halas edijilik ýolunyň şahsy we baky habaryny paýlaşýar. Ýönekeý we düşnükli dil bilen ýazylan bu kitapçanyň maksady, okyjylary Hudaýyň adamlara ýazan şahsy haty – Injil bilen tanyşdyrmakdyr. Bu kitapça evangelizm we paýlaşmak üçin ajaýyp serişdedir, adamlara Isa Mesihi tapmaga we Hudaý bilen şahsy gatnaşygy başlamaga kömek edýär.

Interesting Facts (Turkmen)

  • Kitapça şahsy hat görnüşinde taýýarlanylan, bu bolsa ony okyjylara ýakyn we gyzykly edýär.
  • 50-den gowrak dilde elýeterli bolan A Letter for You dünýäniň dürli ýerlerinde paýlanyp, Hudaýyň halas edijilik habaryny adamlara ýetirdi.
  • Kitapça Hudaýyň adamzady söýýändigini we her bir adam bilen şahsy gatnaşyk isleýändigini nygtaýar.
  • Guten Botschaft Verlag neşirýaty, Hudaýyň sözlerini köp sanly dillerde paýlaşmakda ykrar edilen neşirýatdyr.
  • Howa poçtasy haty görnüşindäki format, Hudaýyň adamlara gönükdirilen şahsy habarynyň aýratynlygyny görkezýär.

Hashtags (Turkmen)

#TürkmenKitaplary #HristianKitaplary #InjilHabary #RuhyÖsüş #HudaýyňSöýgüsi #HristianImany #ImanKitaplary #EvangelizmSerişdeleri #IsaMesiheTanyşlyk #HristianResurslary

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