A Letter for You (Chinese) 一封给你的信 - Chinese Evangelism Booklet
ISBN: 9783961621194
一封给你的信 (A Letter for You) is a heartfelt evangelism booklet written in Chinese Simplified, designed as a personal airmail letter crafted just for you. Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, it carries a timeless and universal message of love and salvation. This booklet invites readers to discover God’s personal letter to humanity—the Bible—written to show His love, care, and desire for a relationship with everyone. Simple yet profound, it is an excellent resource for evangelism and distribution to help individuals explore their faith and find eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- ISBN-13: 9783961621194 / 978-3961621194
- ISBN-10: 3961621195
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Language: Chinese Simplified
Interesting Facts
- The booklet is crafted as a personal letter, making it relatable, engaging, and easy to understand for readers.
- Available in over 50 languages, A Letter for You has touched lives all over the world, introducing people to the message of salvation and hope.
- It emphasizes God’s personal love for every individual and His desire for a meaningful relationship with them.
- Gute Botschaft Verlag, the publisher, is renowned for its dedication to sharing God’s word globally, particularly through literature in diverse languages.
- The airmail letter format reflects the intimate and direct nature of God’s message to humanity, giving readers a sense of personal connection.
Gute Botschaft Verlag
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Translation (Chinese Simplified)
Overview (Chinese Simplified)
一封给你的信 (A Letter for You) 是一本简体中文福音书册,设计成一封专门写给你的航空信件。由 Gute Botschaft Verlag 出版,这本书传递了关于爱与救赎的永恒信息。书中邀请读者发现上帝写给人类的个人信件——圣经。通过这封信,上帝向每个人展现了祂的爱、关怀,以及与人建立关系的渴望。这本书语言简单易懂,是传福音和分发的绝佳资源,帮助人们探索信仰,并通过耶稣基督找到永生的道路。
Interesting Facts (Chinese Simplified)
- 本书以个人信件的形式呈现,使其内容具有亲切感和吸引力,适合不同读者群体。
- 一封给你的信 已被翻译成 50 多种语言,在全世界传播,改变了无数人的生命,让人们认识到救赎的希望。
- 书中强调了上帝对每个人的特殊爱意,以及祂渴望与人建立深刻关系的心意。
- 出版商 Gute Botschaft Verlag 以其致力于通过不同语言的文学作品传播上帝信息而闻名。
- 航空信件的形式体现了上帝向人类传递信息的亲密性和直接性,让读者感受到个人关联。
Hashtags (Chinese Simplified)
#中文福音书 #基督教书籍 #传福音 #信仰成长 #圣经信息 #上帝的爱 #基督教信仰 #属灵成长 #发现耶稣 #GBV书籍 #基督教资源 #永生 #宗教书籍 #信仰之旅