A csodálatos ember by WERNER GITT - HUNGARIAN TRANSLATION of Faszination Mensch 1996 / The author shows that man is an ingenious construction of God. An ideal gift for Christians as well as for outsiders.
ISBN: 9789639209821, 978-9639209821
About the Author:
Werner Gitt (born 22 February 1937 in Stallupönen, East Prussia, Germany) is a German engineer and young earth creationist. Before retirement, he was Head of the Department of Information Technology at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt).
Gitt was an engineering professor at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany's national institute for natural and engineering sciences. By the 1990s he was assuming a leadership role in the German creationary movement, through the publication of several influential creationist books. He was one of the leaders of the nondenominational Wort und Wissen(Word and Knowledge) society, the largest creationist society in Germany. He has written articles for a creationist apologetics web site.
Hungarian Summary:
Ebben a könyvben az olvasó sok figyelemreméltó részletet talál az emberi testről, az ember felépítésének számos sajátosságáról, amelyekből gazdag összeállítást találhatunk a könyvben. A szerző nem marad meg az orvosi, fizikai, kémiai és információelméleti részleteknél, hanem ezekből következtetéseket von le az ember Teremtőjére vonatkozóan. Azzal a kérdéssel foglalkozik, hogy kik is vagyunk Teremtőnk szemében, és mi a rendeltetésünk. A könyv mindenkinek szól, nemcsak szakembereknek.
English Summary:
The author shows that man is an ingenious construction of God. He describes sensory organs such as the eye, the ear, the sense of smell, the sense of taste and the sense of touch. He then describes the structure of internal organs such as the heart, blood circulation, kidneys, the cells, the DNA and the brain. Using these examples, Werner Gitt turns to the lost man and shows a creator who seeks the lost until he finds it.
A beautiful, well-made illustrated book. An ideal gift for Christians as well as for outsiders.