A Concise History of Pakistan
Author: M.R. Kazimi
Series: Oxford Pakistan Paperbacks
Ninth Impression
A Concise History of Pakistan by M.R. Kazimi provides a clear and comprehensive narrative of the history of Pakistan, from its inception in 1947 to its contemporary issues. The book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in understanding the political, cultural, and economic evolution of Pakistan. Kazimi succinctly presents key events, figures, and movements that have shaped the country's history, while highlighting the complexities of its social and political landscapes. This ninth impression continues to be a vital text for students, scholars, and general readers alike who seek to gain insight into Pakistan’s past and its journey as a modern nation-state.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 392
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 9780199065127
- ISBN-10: 0199065128
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Year of Publication: 2019
- Series: Oxford Pakistan Paperbacks
- Edition: Ninth Impression
Interesting Facts
- Author's Expertise: M.R. Kazimi is an acclaimed historian with a deep understanding of South Asian history, particularly Pakistan’s formation and evolution.
- Comprehensive Coverage: The book explores the political history, key historical events, leaders, and socio-economic developments in Pakistan from its creation to the present.
- Educational Impact: A Concise History of Pakistan is widely used in universities and institutions for courses on South Asian history, political science, and international relations.
- Objective and Accessible: The author presents a balanced and accessible overview of Pakistan’s history, making it suitable for both academic and general audiences.
- Oxford University Press: As a respected academic publisher, Oxford University Press ensures that the book is thoroughly researched and scholarly.
- Publisher: Oxford University Press
- Location: Oxford, UK
- Edition: Ninth Impression, 2019
- Series: Oxford Pakistan Paperbacks
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