70 Lessons in Teaching & Preaching Christ PREPARED FOR TEACHERS-PREACHERS-LEADERS by GEORGE GOODMAN / Publisher: Zondervan Publishing Company
UPC: 0310553717
- Publisher: Pickering & Inglis LTD.
- Publication date: January 1, 1954
- Format: 402 pages, Paperback
- Published: March 1, 1987 by Zondervan Publishing Company
- ISBN: 9780310553717/978-0310553717
- ISBN10: 0310553717
- Language: English
IN the previous three volumes, 70 Best Bible Stories, 70 Familiar Bible Stories and 70 Less-Known Bible Stories, I dealt with the Histories of incidents in the lives of the Outstanding Characters in the Bible.
The principal events in the Life of the Lord were considered, but His teaching only as it was incidental to His Parables and Miracles Death and Resurrection. I have for a long time been looking forward to supplementing those volumes with a fourth, which should have as its theme: The Lord Jesus Himself in all the beauty and dignity of His Person, Offices. Work and Teaching. The Apostles and those who followed in their train Christ." Paul confessed, We preach Christ, even Him Crucified"; preached and the first disciples we read went everywhere "teaching and preaching Christ."
I fear a great deal of the preaching today could hardly be so desoribed. In the second article I seek to show how even when Christ is named He is often not preached in the sense that the Apostles
preached Christ. They proclaimed Him to men, and pressed upon their hearers the necessity of receiving Him and closing with His offers of of meroy and life. For them He was a Living Present Person
Who, having died had risen, and now invited sinners to come to Him for Salvation. These studies display the pre-eminence of Christ in all its remarkable outstanding characteristics. Of no other could such a volume be written.
I trust the bringing ogether and setting on in a simple manner these glories of Christ will enable many to preach Him to others and to rejoice in Him for themselves as the All-Sufficient Saviour and
Lord. Men need Christ today as ever. Morality, Ethics, Social Philosophical Teaching and Religion make their various appeals, but what the heart of man needs is a Personal Saviour and Guide, and nothing
will ever meet that need but the faithful and loving preaching of Christ..