新版三十二式太极剑 / 32-Posture Tai Chi Sword (Teaching Video) | Collector's Edition
产品信息 / Product Information
- UPC: 9787884306787
- 产品类型 / Product Type: DVD Video
- 区域信息 / Region: 0 (全区 / All Region)
- 格式 / Format: NTSC
- 时长 / Running Time: 162 分钟 17 秒 / 162 minutes 17 seconds
- 产地 / Made in: 中国 / China
- 音频 / Audio: 中文和英语 / Chinese and English
- 字幕 / Subtitles: 中文和英语 / Chinese and English
- 编码 / Encoding: MPEG-2, DVD-5
- 画面比例 / Aspect Ratio: 4:3
- 音效 / Sound: DOLBY AC-3 DIGITAL
概述 / Overview
新版三十二式太极剑 / 32-Posture Tai Chi Sword 是一部专为太极剑爱好者和学习者制作的教学视频。该视频结合了太极拳与剑术两种运动风格,展现了太极拳的轻松柔和与剑术的明确刚劲。全套动作由著名武术家李天骥先生在国家体育运动委员会的组织下,基于杨式太极剑的基础上进行简化整理,共分为四段,包含三十二个标准动作,内容精炼,路线清晰,剑法准确。
完整示范 + 分解教学 + 要点提示 + 背面示范
The 32-Posture Tai Chi Sword is a teaching video designed for Tai Chi enthusiasts and learners. This video integrates the two sporting styles of Tai Chi Boxing and swordsmanship, showcasing Tai Chi’s softness and fluidity alongside the clarity and elegance of sword techniques. The complete series consists of 32 movements divided into four sections, refined in content, with clear routes and precise swordsmanship.
Key-note speaker: Li Deyin, Professor of Renmin University of China, International Wushu Judge, Chinese Wushu 8th Duan, and one of China’s Top 100 Outstanding Wushu Masters.
Demonstrator: Ye Zhiwei, Head Coach of Deyin Tai Chi Boxing Academy in Britain.
产品特点 / Product Features
- 全区兼容性 / Region-Free Compatibility: 全区 DVD(区域 0),适合全球播放 / All Region DVD (Region 0), compatible worldwide.
- 音频与字幕 / Audio and Subtitles: 提供中文和英语音频,以及中文字幕和英文字幕,适合不同语言的观众 / Features Chinese and English audio, with Chinese and English subtitles for diverse audiences.
- 制作质量 / Production Quality: MPEG-2 编码,NTSC 格式,DOLBY AC-3 DIGITAL 音效,保证优质视听体验 / Encoded in MPEG-2 with NTSC format and DOLBY AC-3 DIGITAL sound for a superior viewing experience.
- 教学内容 / Teaching Content: 包含完整示范、分解教学、要点提示及背面示范,适合初学者及进阶学习者 / Includes complete demonstrations, step teaching, key notices, and back demonstrations, suitable for beginners and advanced learners alike.
有趣的事实 / Interesting Facts
太极剑的运动特性 / Characteristics of Tai Chi Sword
- 太极剑结合了太极拳的柔和与剑术的刚劲,展现了两种风格的完美融合。 / The Tai Chi Sword combines the softness of Tai Chi with the firmness of swordsmanship, showcasing a perfect blend of two styles.
简化与标准化 / Simplification and Standardization
- 三十二式太极剑是在李天骥大师的指导下,经过简化和标准化的经典太极剑套路,便于学习和掌握。 / The 32-Posture Tai Chi Sword is a classic Tai Chi sword routine simplified and standardized under the guidance of Master Li Tainji, making it easier to learn and master.
李德印教授的成就 / Achievements of Professor Li Deyin
- 李德印教授不仅是国际级武术裁判员,还是中国武术八段,享有较高的声誉,是太极拳研究和教学的重要人物。 / Professor Li Deyin is not only an international Wushu judge but also holds the title of Chinese Wushu 8th Duan, renowned for his contributions to Tai Chi research and teaching.
发行信息 / Publishers
产地 / Produced in: 中国 / China
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#TaiChiSword #32PostureTaiChiSword #LiDeyin #WushuMaster #MartialArtsDVD #TaiChiTeaching #ChineseMartialArts #DeyinTaiChi
中文 (标签):
#太极剑 #三十二式太极剑 #李德印 #武术大师 #武术DVD #太极教学 #中国武术 #德印太极