25 Favorite Sing-A-Long - Bible Songs for Kids / Easy to Sing Praise and Scripture Songs
Overview / Áttekintés
25 Favorite Sing-A-Long - Bible Songs for Kids is a delightful collection of praise and scripture songs designed to engage children in learning about God’s Word through music. This CD features 25 beloved Bible songs that are easy to sing along with, making it a perfect resource for family time, Sunday school, or any occasion where children can enjoy singing praises to God. These songs are simple, catchy, and filled with biblical truths that will help children learn important scripture verses in a fun and memorable way.
A 25 Favorite Sing-A-Long - Bible Songs for Kids egy szórakoztató gyűjtemény, amely dicséretet és bibliai énekeket tartalmaz, segítve a gyerekeket abban, hogy a zenén keresztül ismerkedjenek meg Isten Igéjével. Ez a CD 25 kedvelt bibliai dalt tartalmaz, amelyek könnyen énekelhetők, így tökéletes választás családi időre, vasárnapi iskolára, vagy bármilyen alkalomra, amikor a gyerekek Istennek dicséretet énekelhetnek. A dalok egyszerűek, fülbemászóak, és bibliai igazságokkal teli, amelyek segítenek a gyermekeknek fontos bibliai verseket tanulni egy szórakoztató és könnyen megjegyezhető módon.
Track Listing / Dalok Listája
- Jesus Loves Me
- This Little Light of Mine
- He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
- Father Abraham
- The B-I-B-L-E
- If You're Happy and You Know It
- I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
- Lord, I Lift Your Name on High
- God Is So Good
- Peace Like a River
- I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy
- Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man
- Jesus Loves the Little Children
- The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock
- All Things Bright and Beautiful
- My God Is So Big
- He's Able
- Little David, Play on Your Harp
- I Will Make You Fishers of Men
- Arky, Arky
- Do Lord
- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
- Seek Ye First
- Deep and Wide
- I'm in the Lord's Army
Product Features / Termékjellemzők
25 Easy-to-Sing Bible Songs / 25 Könnyen Énekelhető Bibliai Dal:
Perfect for children to learn biblical principles and scripture verses through music. -
Engaging for Kids / Szórakoztató a Gyerekeknek:
Fun, lively, and engaging tracks that help children connect with God’s Word in a joyful way. -
Ideal for Family Worship / Ideális Családi I Worshiphez:
A wonderful resource for family devotion times, church, or Sunday school. -
High-Quality Sound / Magas Minőségű Hangzás:
Professionally recorded and mastered to ensure a pleasant listening experience for all ages.
Interesting Facts / Érdekességek
The CD features classic children’s Bible songs that have been favorites for generations, passed down through Sunday schools and family worship times.
The songs are designed to be easy for children to follow and sing along with, making it an effective way to memorize scripture.
Many of the songs included are interactive, inviting children to move and engage physically with the music, enhancing their overall learning experience.
Hashtags / Hashtags
#BibleSongsForKids #PraiseSongs #SingAlongBibleSongs #ChristianMusic #ChildrenWorship #ScriptureSongs #GreenHillProductions #KidsPraise #FamilyWorship #ChristianCD
#BibliaiDalokGyerekeknek #Dicséretnóta #ÉnekeljVelünk #KeresztényZene #GyerekDicsőítés #BibliaiVersek #GreenHillProductions #CsaládiImádat #KeresztényCD