13 važnih istina kojima nas je naučio Mali Princ by Petar Balta / Croatian language booklet / 13 truths that we learned from the Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) / Verbum 2016 / Paperback
ISBN: 9789532355161 / 978-9532355161
ISBN-10: 9532355162
Le Petit Prince originally written by Antoine St. Exupéry
Croatian Summary:
Mali princ, omiljena priča milijuna djece i odraslih širom svijeta, uistinu je bezvremena priča o ljepoti, teškoćama i smislu ljudskoga života čije pouke u svojemu srcu nose brojni naraštaji. Ova nam fotoknjižica na jednomu mjestu donosi neke od najljepših misli iz toga klasika dozivajući nam u pamet Maloga princa, njegovu ružu i prijateljicu lisicu, a samim time i ružu na planetu našega života, kao i sve naše prijatelje, velike i male… Prekrasan dar za sve koji cijene istinsku životnu mudrost!
English Summary:
The Little Prince, the favorite story of millions of children and adults around the world, is a truly timeless tale of the beauty, hardships and meaning of human life, whose lessons are borne by many generations at its heart. This photo book brings us in one place some of the most beautiful thoughts from this classic, bringing to our minds the Little Prince, his rose and his friend the fox, and therefore the rose on the planet of our lives, as well as all our friends, big and small ... A wonderful gift for all who appreciate the true wisdom of life!