The Book of Revelation by Dr. Henri L. Rossier
Overview / Áttekintés
Dr. Henri L. Rossier’s "The Book of Revelation" is a profound and insightful commentary on one of the most complex and spiritually significant books of the New Testament. Written in his signature style, the book presents a detailed examination of the prophetic visions and divine revelations found in Revelation. Rossier provides readers with clarity on the symbolic language used in this final book of the Bible, bringing out deep spiritual truths relevant to the church today. His understanding of prophetic events and their meaning for Christians offers a timeless resource for study and reflection.
This work is not only a scholarly commentary but also a tool for personal spiritual growth. It connects the book’s ancient prophecies to modern-day life, emphasizing the eternal hope and victory of Christ. Rossier’s expertise and careful theological insights make this an essential text for anyone studying the Book of Revelation.
Product Features / Termékjellemzők
- Format / Kiadás: Paperback / Puha kötés
- Pages / Oldalszám: 298
- Publisher / Kiadó: Evangéliumi Kiadó
- Publication Year / Megjelenés éve: 2006
- Language / Nyelv: Hungarian
- ISBN: 9637369384, 963-7369384
About the Author / A szerzőről
Dr. Henri L. Rossier was born on January 25, 1835 in Vevey, French Switzerland. He was part of a family that was among the first to gather to the Lord Jesus alone. After completing his medical studies in Zurich and Würzburg, Rossier practiced medicine for over fifty years in his hometown of Vevey. His passion for God's Word led him to become an important figure in Christian ministry, particularly in the French-speaking world.
Rossier is best known for his written works, including commentaries on the Bible, many of which focus on the Old Testament historical and prophetic books, and the epistles of Paul and Peter, as well as the Revelation. His careful and deep study of Scripture is seen in his many published works, including his role as the editor of Messanger Evangélique for 58 years. His hymns, 28 of which are included in Hymnes et Cantiques, reflect his heart for worship and devotion.
Rossier’s contributions to Christian thought and study continue to impact believers worldwide. He passed away on March 20, 1928, at the age of 93, leaving behind a rich legacy of service, writing, and teaching.
Interesting Facts / Érdekes tények
Prolific Author / Termékeny író: Dr. Rossier wrote extensively on Scripture, contributing commentaries on many Biblical books, including Joshua, Judges, and Revelation.
Dr. Rossier széleskörűen írt a Szentírásról, és kommentárokat készített számos bibliai könyvről, többek között a Józsué, Bírák és Jelenések könyve című művekről. -
Hymn Writer / Himnuszíró: Rossier contributed 28 hymns to Hymnes et Cantiques, a key hymn book in French-speaking Christian assemblies.
Rossier 28 himnuszt írt a Hymnes et Cantiques című énekeskönyvhöz, amely a francia nyelvű keresztény közösségek fontos énekeskönyve. -
Editorial Legacy / Szerkesztői örökség: He served as the editor of the Messanger Evangélique for 58 years, providing spiritual nourishment to French-speaking believers worldwide.
58 évig szerkesztette a Messanger Evangélique című folyóiratot, amely világszerte lelki táplálékot nyújtott a francia nyelvű hívőknek.
Publisher / Kiadó
Evangéliumi Kiadó
Evangéliumi Kiadó is dedicated to providing Christian literature that edifies, teaches, and encourages believers to grow deeper in their faith. Their commitment to high-quality biblical resources is evident in the publication of Dr. Rossier’s "The Book of Revelation."
Az Evangéliumi Kiadó elkötelezett amellett, hogy keresztény irodalmat biztosítson, amely építi, tanítja és bátorítja a hívőket a hitük elmélyítésében. Az "A Jelenések könyve" kiadása is tükrözi elkötelezettségüket a bibliai források magas színvonalú publikálása iránt.
Feedback / Visszajelzés
Please share your thoughts on this insightful commentary and how it has impacted your understanding of Revelation!
Kérjük, ossza meg véleményét erről az értékes kommentárról, és hogyan befolyásolta a Jelenések könyvének megértését!
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#HenriLRossier #TheBookOfRevelation #BiblicalCommentary #ChristianStudy #EvangéliumiKiadó #PropheticBooks #Revelation #MessangerEvangelique #BibleStudy #HungarianChristianBooks