
Solomon’s Proverbs in Dungan Language Parallel with Russian, Chinese, and Pin Yin / СУЛЬМАНЭДИ ЦУНМИН ХУА / Zhēn Yán / Мудрые изречения Сулеймана / Bonus: MP3 Gift CD of Proverbs Reading

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Product Overview

Solomon’s Proverbs in Dungan Language Parallel with Russian, Chinese, and Pin Yin


Zhēn Yán

Мудрые изречения Сулеймана 

Bonus: MP3 Gift CD of Proverbs Reading


Dictionary at the End of the Book


ISBN 9785939432009

© Institute for Bible Translation, 2014

272 Pages




Иллюстрации: Х.Ф. Шимова

Художественное оформление книги: М.И. Шестакова и Э.Л. Эрман

Верстка: О.Г. Климова


Хуэйзў йүянди чўбансы пин Хырхыз Гунхәгуәди Минзў Куәщүәйүан лисы дэ вынхуа йицанди Щүәйүан хуэйзўщүә дэ ханщүә Җунщинди җунчын йинхади


Издание на дунганском языке осуществлено с одобрения Центра дунгановедения и китаистики Института истории и культурного наследия Национальной Академии наук Кыргызской республики




Цунмин хуади йисы

1 Җысы Даву* эрзыди, Исраил гуйниди хуоншон, Сульманэди* цунмин хуа.

2 Сульманэ ба җыще цунмин хуа ги нэще жын гигили, сый щён ба цунмин* дэ җёфә* җыминбый, щён дун ю эрлинди* хуа,

3 ба лийи дэдо, дуан лўфу, гундо дэ шыщин щүәхо.

4 Та щён ги буҗянди жынму* тянщер йиҗян*, ги шонянму* тянщер җышы* дэ линфан*;

5 цунминжын тинҗян е дый җёщүәни*, минбыйжын ба йиҗян зоҗуәни,

6 замуҗя ба цунмин хуа дэ бифон, ба цунминжынди хуа дэ тамуди цэхуар ё җыминбыйни.


1 大卫的儿子, 以色列王所罗门的箴言: 2 要使人懂得智慧和训诲, 明白通达的言语, 3 使人领受明智的训诲, 就是公义、公平和正直, 4 使愚蒙人灵巧, 使年轻人有知识,有智谋。 5 智慧人听见,增长学问, 聪明人得着智谋, 6 明白箴言和譬喻, 懂得智慧人的言词和谜语。


1 Dàwèi de érzi, yǐsèliè wáng Suǒluómén de zhēnyán: 2 yào shǐ rén dǒngde zhìhuì hé xùnhuì, míngbai tōngdá de yányǔ, 3 shǐ rén lǐngshòu míngzhì de xùnhuì, jiùshì gōngyìgōngpíng hé zhèngzhí, 4 shǐ yúméng rén língqiǎo, shǐ niánqīng rén yǒu zhīshi, yǒu zhìmóu. 5 Zhìhuì rén tīngjiàn, zēngzhǎng xuéwen, cōngmíng rén dézháo zhìmóu, 6 míngbai zhēnyán hé pìyù, dǒngde zhìhuì rén de yáncí hé míyǔ.


1 Мудрые изречения Сулеймана, сына Давуда, царя Исраила. 2 Да принесут они мудрость и наставление и помогут осмыслить разумные высказывания; 3 да научат они правилам благоразумной жизни, праведности, справедливости и честности 4 и дадут простакам проницательность, а юным – знание и рассудительность; 5 пусть послушают мудрые и умножат познания, и пусть разумные получат мудрые советы; 6 да уразумеют они пословицы и притчи, слова мудрецов и загадки их.




The Dungan language /ˈdʊŋɡɑːn/ is a Sinitic languagespoken primarily Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan by the Dungan people, an ethnic group related to the Hui people of China. Although it is derived from the Central Plains Mandarin of Gansu and Shaanxi, it is primarily written in Cyrillic and contains loanwords and archaisms not found in modern varieties of Mandarin.


History:  The Dungan people of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan (with smaller groups living in other post-Soviet states) are the descendants of several groups of the Hui people that migrated to the region in the 1870s and the 1880s after the defeat of the Dungan revolt in Northwestern China. The Hui of Northwestern China (often referred to as "Dungans" or "Tungani" by the 19th-century western writers as well as by members of Turkic nationalities in China and Central Asia) would normally speak the same Mandarin dialect as the Han people in the same area (or in the area from which the particular Hui community had been resettled). At the same time, due to their unique history, their speech would be rich in Islamic or Islam-influenced terminology, based on loanwords from Arabic, Persian, and Turkic languages, as well as translations of them into Chinese. The Hui traders in the bazaars would be able to use Arabic or Persian numbers when talking between themselves, to keep their communications secret from Han bystanders. While not constituting a separate language, these words, phrases and turns of speech, known as Huihui hua (回回话, "Hui speech"), served as markers of group identity.As early 20th century travellers in Northwestern China would note, "the Mohammedan Chinese have to some extent a vocabulary, and always a style and manner of speech, all their own".


As the Dungans in the Russian Empire, and even more so in the Soviet Union, were isolated from China, their language experienced significant influence from the Russian and the Turkic languages of their neighbors.


In the Soviet Union, a written standard of the Dungan language was developed, based on a Gansu dialect, rather than the Beijing base of Standard Chinese. The language was used in the schools in Dungan villages. In the Soviet time there were several school textbooks published for studying the Dungan language, a three volume Russian–Dungan dictionary (14,000 words), the Dungan–Russian dictionary, linguistics monographs on the language and books in Dungan. The first Dungan-language newspaper was established in 1932; it continues publication today in weekly form.


When Dru C. Gladney, who had spent some years working with the Hui people in China, met with Dungans in Almaty in 1988, he described the experience as speaking "in a hybrid Gansu dialect that combined Turkish and Russian lexical items".




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