
New Gaelic Gospel John (Scots Gaelic Edition) Gàidhlig / Soisgeul Eòin Eadar-theangachadh Ùr 2010

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New Gaelic Gospel of John (Scots Gaelic Language Edition) Gàidhlig

Soisgeul Eòin

Eadar-theangachadh Ùr 2010

Scottish Gaelic or Scots Gaelic, sometimes also referred to simply as Gaelic or the Gaelic, is a Celtic language native to the Gaels of Scotland.


Product Details

  • Paperback: 104 pages
  • Publisher: The Scottish Bible Society (November 5, 2010)
  • Language: Scottish Gaelic
  • ISBN-10: 0901518697
  • ISBN-13: 978-0901518699 / 9780901518699
  • 5,000 Copies Printed

The A6 size is handy for pocket or handbag; the 108 pages include a foreword and a glossary of key terms and names.

Launched at the 2010 Gaelic Mòd in Thurso, this significant new translation of the Gospel of John into Scottish Gaelic has been published by the Scottish Bible Society to meet a demand for the Scriptures in a language that is spoken today.

Back in 1993 the eminent Gaelic scholar Professor Donald Meek wrote that “the distinction between ‘Bible Gaelic’ and ‘everyday Gaelic’ has become more marked with time, especially among younger Gaelic speakers, who tend to be less familiar with ‘pulpit Gaelic’ than their forebears.” If that was apparent then, it is even more so now.

Just as John wrote his account of Jesus Christ in koiné (common) Greek and the Rev James Stuart offered it in Scottish Gaelic over 250 years ago, this fresh translation is aimed at that younger generation.

This Gaelic Gospel combines faithfulness to the Greek original with vocabulary in normal use, and clarity with dignity. The publication – the first part of a New Testament translation project – comes at a time of opportunity in the development of Gaelic. Ideal for private Bible study and for use in education, it will also be helpful to those learning the language.

Tha meud A6 feumail airson pòcaid no baga-làimhe; tha ro-ràdh agus beag-fhaclair de phrìomh bhriathran agus ainmean anns na 108 duilleag.

Air a chur air bhog aig Mòd Ghàidhlig Inbhir Theòrsa 2010, tha an eadar-theangachadh ùr chudromach seo de Soisgeul Eòin gu Gàidhlig na h-Alba air fhoillseachadh le Comunn Bìoball na h-Alba gus coinneachadh ri iarrtas airson nan Sgriobtairean ann an cànan a thathar a’ bruidhinn an-diugh.

Air ais ann an 1993 sgrìobh an sgoilear Gàidhlig ainmeil an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek gu bheil “an eadar-dhealachadh eadar ‘Gàidhlig a’ Bhìobaill’ agus ‘Gàidhlig làitheil’ air fàs nas comharraichte le ùine, gu h-àraidh am measg luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig nas òige, aig nach eil cho eòlach air ‘pulpit Gaelic’ na. an sinnsirean." Ma bha sin follaiseach an uairsin, tha e eadhon nas motha a-nis.

Dìreach mar a sgrìobh Iain a chunntas air Iosa Crìosd ann an koiné (cumanta) Greugais agus thairg an t-Urr Seumas Stiùbhart e ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba còrr is 250 bliadhna air ais, tha an t-eadar-theangachadh ùr seo ag amas air a’ ghinealach òg sin.

Tha an Soisgeul Gàidhlig seo a’ ceangal dìlseachd don tùs Ghreugach le briathrachas ann an cleachdadh àbhaisteach, agus soilleireachd le urram. Tha am foillseachadh – a’ chiad phàirt de phròiseact eadar-theangachaidh Tiomnadh Nuadh – a’ tighinn aig àm far a bheil cothrom ann an leasachadh na Gàidhlig. Fìor mhath airson sgrùdadh prìobhaideach sa Bhìoball agus airson a chleachdadh ann am foghlam, bidh e cuideachd na chuideachadh dhaibhsan a tha ag ionnsachadh a’ chànain.

The Gospel of John newly translated into modern Scots Gaelic using vivid everyday language. Part of a translation of the whole New Testament currently in progress and due to complete in 2015. About this project The New Testament was first translated into Scottish Gaelic by Rev James Stuart, minister of Killin, and published in 1767 - barely 20 years after the battle of Culloden. His son John, minister of Luss, was the main translator of the Old Testament, completed in 1801. In recent years, the future of Gaelic in education and public life has received much attention as the language flourishes. However, the gap between everyday Gaelic in common use and the Gaelic in the most recent Bible edition continues to widen. The Scottish Bible Society, which has been the principal publisher of Gaelic Scriptures for 150 years, consulted with scholars and church representatives before initiating the current project. The team comprises translators from the Church of Scotland, Free Church of Scotland and Roman Catholic Church. The translation aims to combine faithfulness to the Greek original with vocabulary in normal use, and clarity with dignity. The work comes at a time of opportunity in the development of Gaelic.
Scottish Gaelic
Pronunciation [ˈkaːlikʲ]
Native to United Kingdom
Region Scotland; Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia in Canada
Ethnicity Scottish people
Native speakers
57,000 fluent L1 and L2 speakers in Scotland (2011)[1]
87,000 people in Scotland reported having some Gaelic language ability in 2011.[1]
Early forms
Scottish Gaelic orthography (Latin script)
Official status
Recognised minority
language in
Language codes
ISO 639-1 gd
ISO 639-2 gla
ISO 639-3 gla
Glottolog scot1245[2]
Linguasphere 50-AAA
1891 Scotland Languages.jpg
1891 distribution of English and Gaelic in Scotland
2001 distribution of Gaelic speakers in Scotland


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