
Japanese - English Bilingual New Testament / Good News New Testament

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Product Overview

Japanese - English Bilingual New Testament / Good News New Testament / Japanese Common Bible Translation - Today's English Version

Product Details:

  • Title: Japanese - English Bilingual New Testament / Good News New Testament / Japanese Common Bible Translation - Today's English Version
  • Format: Vinyl Bound
  • Pages: 624 pages
  • Publisher: Bible Society (2011)
  • Language: English, Japanese


The Japanese - English Bilingual New Testament offers a unique opportunity to engage with the Scriptures in both Japanese and English. This edition combines the Good News New Testament with the Today's English Version, providing readers with a bilingual experience that enhances understanding and appreciation of the biblical text.

概要: 日本語と英語の両方で聖書を読む貴重な機会を提供する『日本語 - 英語バイリンガル新約聖書』。この版は、グッドニュース新約聖書とToday's English Versionを組み合わせ、読者にバイリンガルな体験を提供し、聖書テキストの理解と感謝を高めます。


The translation of the Bible into different languages has been a monumental task throughout history, allowing people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to access the teachings and stories contained within its pages. The Japanese - English Bilingual New Testament serves as a bridge between two distinct cultures, fostering a deeper connection to the sacred texts for readers who engage with it.


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