
Ese Ejja Language New Testament / Eyacuiñajjija Esohui (ESENT) / Bolivia, Peru

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Product Overview

Ese Ejja Language New Testament | Eyacuiñajjija Esohui (ESENT) | Bolivia, Peru 

  • Paperback: 682 pages
  • Publisher: Digital Bible Society (June 15, 2017) / Wycliffe Bible Translators
  • Language: Ese Ejja
  • ISBN-10: 1531302327
  • ISBN-13: 978-1531302320
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.7 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds 

John 3:16 Huani

—Eꞌe Nicodemo —Jesosa poanaje peaꞌai—, Eyacuiñajjiya ojjaña cuana ojjaña meshijo baꞌe quea jea nee nee acani. Jamajjeya eya, oja Bacua Ejja oe nei huoojea canaje ojjañaja mimishijo manoꞌyohua. Jamajjeya ojjaña joya eꞌe jojo nei enijje jjapeequiani Eyacuiñajjiya baꞌe tiitii mee cajeꞌyo onijje eyajo; quea nee nee epo tiitii meeꞌyojji pojjeama. 

Ese Ejja (Ese’eha, Eseʼexa, Ese exa), also known as Tiatinagua (Tatinawa), is a Tacanan language of Bolivia and Peru. It is spoken by Ese Ejja people of all ages. Dialects are Guacanawa (Guarayo/Huarayo), Baguaja, Echoja, and possibly extinct Chama, Chuncho, Huanayo, Kinaki, and Mohino. Chunene is "similar" to Ese Ejja, though whether a dialect or a separate language is not clear.


Native to BoliviaPeru
Region Beni
Ethnicity Ese Ejja people
Native speakers
700 (2007)
  • Ese’ejja
Language codes
ISO 639-3 ese
Glottolog esee1248


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