
Good outreach tool! Go prepared! THE GOSPEL OF LUKE IN 7 LANGUAGES: POLISH, ITALIAN, GERMAN, ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH AND RUSSIAN. Purse size, easy to carry even multiple copies.

Posted by BIML EUROPE TEAM on Apr 14th 2017

Good outreach tool!  Go prepared!  THE GOSPEL OF LUKE IN 7 LANGUAGES: POLISH, ITALIAN, GERMAN, ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH AND RUSSIAN.  Purse size, easy to carry even multiple copies.


Introducing the Gospel of LUKE in SEVEN Languages.

GREAT IDEA that became a reality from Bible printers at the Bible Societies!








The Gospel of Luke in 7 Languages: Polish, Italian, German, English, Spanish, French and Russian 

English - LUKE 23:34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

Polski -Łukasz 23:34 W tym czasie Jezus mówił: "Ojcze, przebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią."

Français Luc 23:34 Jésus pria: :"---Père, pardonne-leur, car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"

Deautsche - Lukas 23:34 Jesus aber sprach: " Vater, vergib ihnen sie wissen nicht, was sie tun!"

Español - Lukas 23:34 Y Jesús decía: "Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen."

Italiano - Luca 23:34 E Gesù diceva: " Padre, perdona loro, perché non sanno quello che fanno."

Pусский - От Луки 23:34 Иисус же говорил: "Отче! прости им, ибо не знают"

This Bible is useful for many different audiences and situations, such as: International Churches The study of Bible translation • Christian professionals for their waiting rooms • Hotels and Conference Centres • Immigration and Refugee Centres •International Bible Schools • Missions Agencies like Youth With A Mission

Author : Bible Society

Paperback, Edition 2000

Product Details

Publisher : Towarzystwo Biblijne w Polsce
Language : English
ISBN : 8385260218
SKU : 0648620513373

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